
Research Article

Phytochemical content of leaf and stem of Marsilea quadrifolia (L.)

Rajangam Udayakumar* and Karikalan Gopalakrishnan

Published: 23 May, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 026-037

The present study was aimed to screen and quantify the phytochemicals by qualitative and quantitative analysis in methanol and aqueous leaf and stem extracts of Marsilea quadrifolia(L.). In qualitative analysis, the phytochemical compounds such as tannins, saponins, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, triterpenoids, alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins, anthroquinones, phenolic compounds and phytosterol were screened. Among these phytocompounds tannins, saponins, flavonoids, steroids, alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins and phenolic compounds were observed in methanol and aqueous leaf and stem extracts of M. quadrifolia. Anthroquinones were absent in both leaf and stem extracts of M. quadrifolia. The content of phenolic compounds 8.34±0.92 mg/g and 7.31±0.46 mg/g, flavonoids 7.46±0.64 mg/g and 6.45±0.68 mg/g, alkaloids 6.12±0.51 mg/g and 5.89±0.61 mg/g, tannins 6.58±0.72 mg/g and 6.07±0.56 mg/g and saponins 5.32±0.48 mg/g and 6.30±0.58 mg/g were determined in leaf and stem of M. quadrifolia, respectively. So, the present study confirmed that the presence of phytocompounds in leaf and stem of M. quadrifolia.

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Marsilea quadrifolia; Leaf; Stem; Phytocompounds; Methanolic; Aqueous


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