
Review Article

Studies of Grafts in vegetables, an alternative for agricultural production under stress conditions: Physiological responses

Edgar Omar Rueda Puente*, Jose Bernal Alzate, Onécimo Grimaldo Juárez, Daniel González Mendoza, Lourdes Cervantes Díaz and Alejandro García López

Published: 03 January, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 006-014

Vegetable production by grafting is a technique which it has made possible to resume agricultural soils which previously could not be produced due to stress generated by various abiotic factors, like a lack of water, stress by high or low temperatures, and or heavy metal contamination, among them. It has been documented and defined a number of graftings which they are tolerant to different factors; however, when it comes to auscultating information related to understand the molecular responses and observe what are the biochemical changes and physiological responses of grafted plants, it is dispersed. The current paper attempts to provide basic information documented on technique, addressing the molecular, biochemical and physiological responses, and thus get a clear perspective on the use of grafts, making this practice be used with most frequently by all its advantages.

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Stress; Abiotic; Propagation; Physiological-biochemical response


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