
Mini Review

Phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Jatropha dioica

Diana Isela Araujo-Espino, Blanca Patricia Lazalde-Ramos* and Ana Lourdes Zamora-Perez

Published: 10 February, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 010-013

Jatropha dioica sesse ex cerv is a specie native to Mexico and Texas, commonly known as “sangre de drago“, its name is due to its colorless juice turning dark at exposure to the wind. This mini-review aims to collect information about the phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Jatropha dioica. The phytochemicals identified are diterpenes, (citlalitrione, jatrophone and riolozatrione), β-sitosterol, oxalic acid and ellagic acid. The stems, whole plant, or the root of J. dioica in traditional medicine are used to avoid hair loss, as an antibacterial, and antiviral, to strengthen teeth, and to heal some injuries among others uses. Among the biological activities attributed to Jatropha dioica are found in antiviral activity, antifungal, antimicrobial, chemopreventive, anti-hyperglycemic and cytotoxic. However, the little information about the chemical composition of this species and the scarce scientific studies validating its pharmacological properties make J. dioica an interesting species to study.

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Jatropha dioica sessé ex cerv; Phytochemicals properties; Biological activities; Ethnomedicinal uses


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