
Short Perspective

Bees, Butterflies, and Beyond the Diverse Pollinators, an Essence for the Reproductive Success of Flowering Plants

Ammir Hassan*, Shamiya Hassan and Mohd Abdul Nasir

Published: 04 June, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 2 | Pages: 065-073

Pollinators are very critical when it comes to the reproductive success of plants. They promote outbreeding which holds immense significance in the era of global climate change. It allows the plants to become fertilized, to produce seeds, fruits, and eventually new plants. They are instrumental in the sustainability of our ecosystem. Thus, there is an essential need to study these pollinators to understand how, during the course of evolution, they have co-evolved with the flowering plants to shape floral architecture and community dynamics thriving in the vicinity. In this mini-view, we shall focus our discussion on some of the animal pollinators, the dwindling diversity of animal pollinators, and various associated pollination syndromes.

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Pollination; Pollinator; Syndrome; Honey bee; Climate change; Food security


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