Figure 5

Effects of Vochysia haenkeana extract on the neuromuscular blockade induced by Bothrops jararaca venom on chick biventer cervicis preparation in vitro

Yoko Oshima-Franco*, Fernanda Dias da Silva, Natália Tribuiani, Isadora Caruso Fontana Oliveira, Regina Yuri Hashimoto Miura, Rafael S Floriano, Márcio Galdino dos Santos and Sandro Rostelato-Ferreira

Published: 08 August, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 052-058


Figure 5:

Chick biventer cervicis preparation, under no field stimulation. Exogenous ACh (A) and KCl (B) added at the end of experiment (120 min) show a responsive contracture of neutralization assays. V. haenkeana extract totally inhibited the venom effect in Pre (Pre-venom incubation treatment) to ACh addition, but partially against the Post (Post-venom incubation treatment). When KCl was added in post venom model, the responses of two models were similar. * p<0.05 compared to control. # p<0.05 compared to venom.

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